Centre de formation professionnelle de Verdun – édifice Gaétan-Laberge

CSS Marguerite-BourgeoysCity: Verdun (Québec)Region: Montréal (06)More info
Group: 3 / 3
Status Places available
Max. places22
Application deadlineAugust 22nd, 2025
Cost (including material)40$ + uniforme et matériel
Other specifics
Work-study program
Recognition of acquired competencies
Financial assistance
StartAug. 25th, 2025
End dateNov. 26th, 2026
Schedule8h-15h15 Lun au Ven
Hours per week30 heures/semaine
Seasonal break4 semaines été + 2 semaines hiver
Joany Dion
 514 765-7683, poste 3710
For an application, consult the additional information above, or contact the resource person at 514 765-7683, poste 3710