Code 5874
Sanction ASP
Secteur Administration, commerce et informatique (01)
Nombre d'unités30
Durée totale450 heures
StatutProgram approved in 2020.
Organismes scolaires offrant le programme
Ce programme est offert en langue française : 
5374 - Secrétariat médical
  • Objectifs et professions visées
  • Conditions d'admission
  • Contenu du programme

Objectifs du programme

The proposed vocational studies program in Secretarial Studies-Medical is designed to train individuals capable of performing the two work tasks associated with the profession of medical secretary, i.e., administrative support for medical activities and the transcription of medical reports. In the latter case, they are then referred to as medical transcriptionists.

Medical secretaries perform various secretarial and administrative tasks related to medical activities. Medical transcriptionists record, transcribe and edit dictated data obtained from physicians and other health care professionals, surgical procedures, health-related reports and other medical documents.

Both tasks are performed in a variety of health care settings. Hospitals, medical clinics, doctors' offices, and medical laboratories are among the public and private sector organizations that use the services of these specialized health care secretaries. Medical transcriptionists can be self-employed.

Professions visées (s’informer sur un métier ou une profession sur Qué

Court reporters, medical transcriptionists and related occupations (1251)
Medical administrative assistants (1243)

Conditions d'admission

Persons who hold a DVS:
5357 Secrétariat
OR 5212 Secrétariat
OR 5255 Secrétariat (Inuktitut)
OR 5177 Secrétariat (Inuktitut)
OR 5137 Secrétariat
OR 5078 Secrétariat (Kativik)
OR 1413 Secrétariat
OR 1335 Travail de bureau (agent, agente de bureau)
OR 5857 Secretarial Studies
OR 5712 Secretarial Studies
OR 5755 Secretarial Studies (Inuktitut)
OR 5677 Secretarial Studies
OR 5637 Secretarial Studies
OR 5578 Secretarial Studies
OR 1913 Secretarial Studies
OR 1835 Office Specialist
Have been granted recognition of equivalent learning.
Persons practising an occupation related to the program of study.

Préalables fonctionnels

Please note that the functional prerequisites do not apply to attestation of vocational specialty programs (AVS).

Contenu du programme

Code Énoncé de la compétence  Heures Unités
943-355 Provide administrative support for medical consultations 75 5
949-301 Determine their suitability for the occupation and the training process 15 1
949-313 Interpret medical terms 45 3
949-324 Make links between medical terms and medical specialties 60 4
949-333 Revise reports transcribed by automated systems 45 3
949-343 Transcribe medical consultation reports 45 3
949-363 Transcribe medical imaging reports 45 3
949-373 Transcribe surgery reports 45 3
949-385 Enter the workforce 75 5
450 30
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