CFP des Riverains-Pavillon 2201

CSS des AffluentsCity: Repentigny (Québec)Region: Lanaudière (14)More info
Group: 5 / 5
Status Places available
Max. places28
Application deadlineSeptember 25th, 2024
Cost (including material)Gratuit
Other specifics
Online training
StartOct. 1st, 2024
End dateJan. 30th, 2025
ScheduleMardi et jeudi
Hours per weekDe 9h00 à 12h00
Seasonal breakNon
Vanessa Tremblay
 (450) 492-3538 / x6200_
For an application, consult the additional information above, or contact the resource person at (450) 492-3538 / x6200_
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