Code 4753
Sanction AEP
Secteur Foresterie et papier (12)
Nombre d'unités30
Durée totale450 heures
Aucun organisme scolaire n'offre ce programme présentement
Ce programme est offert en langue française : 
4253 - Transformation des bois
  • Objectifs et professions visées
  • Conditions d'admission
  • Contenu du programme

Objectifs du programme

Train students to perform the tasks of specialized labourers in wood processing.

Fonction de travail

Specialized Labourer in Wood Processing

Conditions d'admission

A person who meets the following conditions is eligible for admission to a program of study leading to an STC:
1. Has obtained at least Secondary III credits or the equivalent in the language of instruction, second language and mathematics;
or Has obtained an Attestation of Equivalence of Secondary Studies (AESS);
or Has successfully completed the General Development Test (GDT) with or without specific prerequisites.
2. Has interrupted their full-time studies for at least 12 months;
or Is 18 years old when entering training;
or Has obtained a Secondary School Diploma (SSD) or a Diploma of Vocational Studies (DVS) or their equivalent;
or Meets the eligibility conditions of Emploi-Québec’s workforce training measure.
(This STC is eligible for the TCST-STC bridge)

Admission requirements for the TCST-STC bridge

The admission requirements for the TCST-STC bridge are identical to those that apply to the TCST-DVS bridge:
- Hold a TCST;
AND - Be at least 16 years old on September 30 of the school year in which you start vocational training;
AND - Have earned the required credits in language of instruction, second language and mathematics in Secondary Cycle 1 in general education in the youth sector or in Secondary II in adult general education.

Contenu du programme

Code Énoncé de la compétence  Heures Unités
AEP 753-011 Determine their suitability for the occupation and the training process 15 1
AEP 753-023 Establish links between materials, equipment, and production processes 45 3
AEP 753-032 Prevent occupational health and safety hazards 30 2
AEP 753-042 Communicate in the workplace 30 2
AEP 753-053 Perform checks related to the maintenance of production equipment 45 3
AEP 753-063 Operate equipment to move loads 45 3
AEP 753-073 Participate in the operation of production equipment 45 3
AEP 753-085 Operate equipment in the final stages of a production process 75 5
AEP 753-098 Enter the workforce 120 8
450 30