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DVS - Diploma of Vocational Studies

Program Group Status D/E Start date
Heavy Vehicles Mechanics HVM2026 Places available Day To be determined
HVM250203 Course full Day Feb. 3rd, 2025
Mécanique de véhicules lourds routiers MVL250310 Places available Day Mar. 10th, 2025
MVL2026 Places available Day To be determined
Professional Sales PSR241015 Places available Day Oct. 15th, 2024
PSR250407 Places available Day Apr. 7th, 2025

AVS - Attestation of Vocational Specialty

Program Group Status D/E Start date
Sales Representation REP241105 Places available D/E Nov. 5th, 2024
REP250203 Places available Day Feb. 3rd, 2025
REP250526 Places available Day May 26th, 2025
Starting a Business SAB240511 Places available Day May 11th, 2024
SAB240916 Places available Eve. Sept. 16th, 2024
SAB241015 Places available Eve. Oct. 15th, 2024
SAB241026 Places available Day Oct. 26th, 2024
SAB 241125 Places available Eve. Nov. 25th, 2024
SAB241212 Places available Eve. Dec. 12th, 2024
SAB241216 Places available Eve. Dec. 16th, 2024
SAB250113 Places available Eve. Jan. 13th, 2025
SAB250118 Places available Eve. Jan. 18th, 2025
SAB250217 Places available Eve. Feb. 17th, 2025
SAB250225 Places available Eve. Feb. 25th, 2025
SAB250315 Places available Eve. Mar. 15th, 2025
SAB240424 Course full Eve. Apr. 24th, 2024
SAB240529 Course full Eve. May 29th, 2024
SAB240710 Course full Eve. July 10th, 2024
SAB240824 Course full D/E Aug. 24th, 2024
SAB240903 Course full Day Sept. 3rd, 2024

STC - Skills Training Certificate

Program Group Status D/E Start date
Electric Vehicle Mechanics MVE250311 Places available D/E To be determined
MVE241001 Places available D/E Oct. 1st, 2024
MVE2508 Places available D/E Aug. 11th, 2025
MVE240402 Course full D/E Apr. 2nd, 2024
Mécanique de véhicules électriques MVE230808 Course full D/E Aug. 8th, 2023
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