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DVS - Diploma of Vocational Studies

Program Group Status D/E Start date
Comptabilité 52312501A Places available Day Jan. 7th, 2025
52312503A Places available Day Mar. 10th, 2025
52312410A Course full Day Oct. 15th, 2024
Secrétariat 5357501ATE Places available Day Jan. 7th, 2025
ADJA2501A Places available Day Jan. 7th, 2025
5357503ATE Places available Day Mar. 10th, 2025
ADJA2503A Places available Day Mar. 10th, 2025
5357410ATE Course full Day Oct. 15th, 2024
ADJA2410A Course full Day Oct. 15th, 2024
Vente-conseil VAUTO2503A Places available Day Mar. 10th, 2025
53212410A Course full Day Oct. 15th, 2024

AVS - Attestation of Vocational Specialty

Program Group Status D/E Start date
Gestion d'une entreprise de la construction 53092410S Places available Eve. Oct. 21st, 2024
53092411S Places available Eve. Nov. 18th, 2024
53092501S Places available Eve. Jan. 7th, 2025
53092502S Places available Eve. Feb. 3rd, 2025
53092503S Places available Eve. Mar. 10th, 2025
53092504S Places available Eve. Apr. 14th, 2025
53092409S Course full Eve. Sept. 16th, 2024
Secrétariat médical 53742410A Places available Day Oct. 15th, 2024
53742411A Places available Day Nov. 18th, 2024
53742501A Places available Day Jan. 7th, 2025
53752502A Places available Day Feb. 10th, 2025
53742503A Places available Day Mar. 10th, 2025
53742504A Places available Day Apr. 7th, 2025
53742505A Places available Day May 12th, 2025
53742409A Course full Day Sept. 16th, 2024

Non-Official Courses

Program Group Status D/E Start date
Adjoint administratif/Adjointe administrative-Temps plein (Double DEP) ADJA2410A Places available Day Oct. 15th, 2024
ADJA2501A Places available Day Jan. 7th, 2025
ADJA2503A Places available Day Mar. 10th, 2025
Vente-conseil automobile VAUTO2410A Course full Day Oct. 15th, 2024
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