Mécanique agricole

Code : 5335Sector: Motorized Equipment Maintenance (10)Diploma: DVSMore info
Group: 2 / 3
Status Admission by waiting list
Max. places8
Application deadlineJanuary 31st, 2025
Cost (including material)177,00$ (en 1re année) et 159,00$ (en 2e année)
Other specifics
Work-study program
Individualized training
StartFeb. 3rd, 2025
End dateFeb. 8th, 2027
Schedule8h40 à 16h20
Hours per week30
Seasonal breakJuin, juillet et août
Jessie Langlois
 418-885-4517 poste 1661
For an application, consult the additional information above, or contact the resource person at 418-885-4517 poste 1661
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