Service de garde en milieu scolaire

Code : 4232Sector: Social, Educational and Legal Services (20)Diploma: STCMore info
Group: 2 / 3
Status Places available
Max. places20
Application deadlineDossier finalisé avant le 20 septembre
Cost (including material)175.00 *Voir informations supplémentaires
Other specifics
Work-study program
Online training
Recognition of acquired competencies
Financial assistance
StartOct. 7th, 2024
End dateFeb. 15th, 2025
Schedule Lundi au vendredi am
Hours per week30 hrs
Seasonal break
Manon Lapointe
 418-652-2184 #7356
For an application, consult the additional information above, or contact the resource person at 418-652-2184 #7356
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