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DVS - Diploma of Vocational Studies

Program Group Status D/E Start date
Assistance à la personne en établissement et à domicile APED-24 Course full Day Aug. 26th, 2024
Assistance technique en pharmacie ATP-24 Course full Day Aug. 26th, 2024
Briquetage-maçonnerie BRIQ-24 Course full Day Aug. 26th, 2024
Carrosserie CAR-24 Course full Day Aug. 26th, 2024
Coiffure COIF-24 Course full Day Aug. 26th, 2024
Comptabilité AUT-24-Gr4 Places available Day Nov. 4th, 2024
AUT-24-Gr5 Places available Day Dec. 9th, 2024
HIV-25-Gr6 Places available Day Jan. 7th, 2025
HIV-25-Gr7 Places available Day Feb. 10th, 2025
HIV-25-Gr8 Places available Day Mar. 10th, 2025
HIV-25-Gr9 Places available Day Apr. 7th, 2025
HIV25-Gr10 Places available Day May 5th, 2025
AUT-24-Gr3 Admission by waiting list Day Oct. 7th, 2024
COM-AUT-24 Course full Day Aug. 26th, 2024
AUT-24-Gr2 Course full Day Sept. 16th, 2024
Dessin de bâtiment DESSIN-24 Places available Day Aug. 26th, 2024
Ébénisterie ÉBÉNIST-24 Course full Day Aug. 26th, 2024
Esthétique ESTH-24 Course full Day Aug. 26th, 2024
Installation et réparation d'équipement de télécommunication TELECOM-24 Course full Day Aug. 26th, 2024
Mécanique automobile MECA-24 Course full Day Aug. 26th, 2024
Santé, assistance et soins infirmiers SASI-24 Course full Day Aug. 26th, 2024
Secrétariat AUT-24-Gr4 Places available Day Nov. 4th, 2024
AUT-24-Gr5 Places available Day Dec. 9th, 2024
HIV-25-Gr6 Places available Day Jan. 6th, 2025
HIV-25-Gr7 Places available Day Feb. 10th, 2025
HIV-25-Gr8 Places available Day Mar. 10th, 2025
HIV-25-Gr9 Places available Day Apr. 7th, 2025
HIV25-Gr10 Places available Day May 5th, 2025
AUT-25-Gr3 Admission by waiting list Day Oct. 7th, 2024
SEC-AUT-24 Course full Day Aug. 26th, 2024
AUT-24-Gr2 Course full Day Sept. 16th, 2024
Soutien informatique INF-24 Course full Day Aug. 26th, 2024
Vente-conseil VENT 24-25 Places available Day Periodic entry
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